Cel Phone Addiction


Mobile man and woman

According to the new Mobile Con­sumer Habits study (by Jumio), smart­phone usage is so preva­lent in Amer­i­cans’ everyday lives that nearly one in ten (9%) smart­phone owners admit to having used their phone during sex. The young are even more daring and com­fort­able with their smart­phones as strange bed­fel­lows; this number rises to one in five (20%) among those ages 18 – 34. Besides during sex, they also admitted to use their cel phones in unex­pected places, such as the shower (12%), in church or other place of wor­ship (19%), and more.

“People view their smart­phones as an exten­sion of them­selves, taking them every­where they go – even the most unorthodox places – from the shower to their com­mute, from the dinner table to the bed­room,” said Marc Barach, chief mar­keting and strategy officer, Jumio. “And panic sets in when con­sumers are sep­a­rated from their devices, with pri­vacy con­cerns top­ping the list. People have good reason to be on high alert; nearly 30 per­cent of adults admit to snooping on someone else’s mobile phone, making users aware of the poten­tial vio­la­tions that happen when we put our own phones down.”

“Though it’s not often far from reach, the majority (59%) of Amer­i­cans keep their phone pass­word pro­tected. But people still fear what will happen if their phone ends up in someone else’s hands, which may be tied to the fact that nearly three in 10 adults (29%) admit to snooping on someone else’s phone.” (Jumio)

For more infor­ma­tion on the study’s find­ings, or to learn more about Jumio, the online ver­i­fi­ca­tion and mobile pay­ments plat­form com­pany, go to: www.jumio.com/blog

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